12 dic 2010

S. María de Guadalupe: 479 Anniversary - Aniversario

“Por favor presta atención a esto, ojalá que quede muy grabado en tu corazón, Hijo mío el más querido: No es nada lo que te espantó, te afligió, que no se altere tu rostro, tu corazón. Por favor no temas esta enfermedad, ni en ningún modo a enfermedad otra alguna o dolor entristecedor. ¿Acaso no estoy yo aquí, yo que tengo el honor de ser tu madre? ¿Acaso no estás bajo mi sombra, bajo mi amparo? ¿Acaso no soy yo la fuente de tu alegría? ¿Qué no estás en mi regazo, en el cruce de mis brazos? ¿Por ventura aun tienes necesidad de cosa otra alguna? Por favor, que ya ninguna otra cosa te angustie, te perturbe”.

12 de Diciembre 1531.

On December 9, 1531, Our Lady appeared to Saint Juan Diego who was a recently converted Catholic. She asked him to go to the Bishop and request him to build a church for her on the barren hill of Tepeyac that is now part of Mexico City. Our Lady wanted to show her merciful love to all of her children. The prudent Bishop asked Juan to ask the Lady for a sign. Juan did so and Our Lady promised to give him the sign.

On December 12, Our Lady again appeared to Juan on Tepeyac Hill and told him to pick the Castilian roses which miraculously appeared there and bring them to the Bishop as a sign for him to believe her request. Juan gathered the roses into his tilma and brought them to the Bishop.

Juan opened the tilma to show them and, to everyone's astonishment, the Image of Our Lady appeared on it. The Bishop then built the church as Our Lady had requested and nine million natives were converted and baptized to the one, true faith within the next nine years. Human sacrifice ended in Mexico forever. Our Lady of Guadalupe, which means Crusher of the stone serpent, brought the light of the true faith, crushed the false gods of Mexico and established an era of peace.

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