27 dic 2008

TWELVE STEPS... to mess up the New Year 2009

1- Look for something negative and hold on to it.
2- Make a few mountains out of some molehills.
3- Avoid positive, happy people.
4- Talk with negative people about how unfair and unjust the world is.
5- Hurry up to get in a rush -- with something unimportant, if possible.
6- Never read anything funny and don't listen to jokes. 
Above all: Don't laugh -- nothing is funny.
7- Consider how nice everything could be, if only life wasn't so mean.
8- Call someone, who had hurt in the past and try to revenge.
9- Sort out something that upsets yourself, and then look for people 
who are willing to help you with this concern.
10- Seek a reason for self-pity -- a quite sure reason.
11- If you feel miserable don't talk about it, keep it under your hat.
12- Pin the blame for your problems on someone else, no matter who.

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