25 jun 2009

WYD 2011 Madrid


WYD 2011: Madrid

“Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith”.

Madrid Spain - August 14-21, 2011 

World Youth Day is an unbelievable weeklong spiritual journey where pilgrims from all over the world unite to share their faith. The week includes prayer, song, concerts, drama, sharing, liturgy, catechesis, and an unforgettable vigil and closing mass with the Holy Father. In 1986, the Pope John Paul II invited young people from all over the world to participate in a pilgrimage at the very first World Youth Day. Since then it has been held in Argentina (’87), Spain (’89), Poland (’91), U.S. (’93), Philippines (’95), France (’97), Italy (’00), Canada (’02),  Germany (’05) and Australia (’08).

THEME The theme of  WYD 2011 will be “Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith”.

PILGRIMS Each Diocese is inviting young adults ages 18-39 to be a part of our diocesan pilgrimage.  The World Youth Day celebration is designed with young adults in mind and they are able to appreciate in a deeper way the experiences of the week.  

A pilgrimage is truly a spiritual journey, rather than a vacation– an opportunity to share your faith and to connect more deeply  with Jesus Christ.  It can be an awesome and life changing experience.

PREPARATION We encourage parish groups and individuals to  establish a prayerful preparation for the pilgrimage.   There will be gatherings of the diocesan group throughout our final year of preparation as well, including a retreat opportunity.  The dates and details of these gatherings will be made available at the earliest possibility.

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